
Veggies, veggies and more veggies. Protein and healthy carb packed. Don’t be afraid of carbs, I love carbs and I eat a ton of them. You just have to have the right balance and know which ones to eat more and which ones to enjoy without overdoing. You need carbs for energy, to balance glucose and insulin intake, fiber and aids in digestion. The brain needs carbs, especially if your blood sugars are low, it means you are not getting enough energy to the brain. It’s important to minimize simple sugars, such as milk and sweeteners  and eat plenty of complex carbohydrates, such as veggies, beans, legumes. I love making my bowls with different ancient grains, which are easier to digest for people with gluten intolerance than modern wheat. I eat sweet potatoes almost every day.

One thing to keep in mind though is that you need to use the energy from the carbs, exercise everyday, move your body. If you don’t use the energy carbs will be stored as fat.


Season  1 package of unfermented organic tofu sliced in 1 inch cubes with miso, garlic, green onion, sesame oil and rice wine vinegar, bake on a cookie sheet for 45 mins at 200 degrees. Turn half way through cooking.

While this is cooking you can start the grains. I used black rice and farro in this recipe. Add water about an inch above 1 cup of grain bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for about a half hour.

Sauté sweet onions until almost carmelized, add garlic continue to sauté. Cut up 2 med Yukon potatoes and 1 large sweet potato, season and toss with a little olive oil. Roast potatoes for about 25-30 mins a 375. Season and sauté wild mushrooms, asparagus and kale all separately.

Layer it all up, rice on bottom then add veggies, and tofu, slice avocado on top and enjoy.

Bowls all Day Everyday

Hands down Pitaya/Acai/Fruit bowls are probably one of my all time favorite things to eat. I seriously could eat them all day everyday. They are super delicious and nutritious! It is also a guilt free sweet treat for when you are having those sweet tooth cravings.

The Pitaya Cactus, otherwise known as the Dragonfruit is considered a Superfruit, originally native to Mexico, transported to Central America and Europe and cultivated in SE Asia, The US (including right here in the Sonoran Desert) Israel, Australia, Cyprus and the Canary Islands. It has the texture of a kiwi with tiny, crunchy black seeds inside, flavor is mildly sweet and nutty.

It is considered a Superfruit for its high antioxidant content, fights free radicals, protecting cells, protects against heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Great source of Iron which carries oxygen to the entire body and vital for brain and muscle function. High in fiber, which aids in digestion, helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and controls blood sugar levels, and lowers cholesterol levels. Rich in Magnesium to increase energy, helps to regulate Sodium, Potassium and Calcium levels. Also helps relax muscles, nerves and anxiety, which leads to better sleep and muscle recovery.

Pitaya Bowl
1 cup Almond milk
1 scoop Vanilla (Nutrasuma Vegan Protein)
1 pack frozen Pitaya 
1 cup frozen pineapple 
1 banana (save 1/2 for topping)
2 tablespoons of almond butter (save 1 for topping)
Fresh Fruit
Coconut Flakes
Shaved Almonds
Almond Butter
Cacao Nibs